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"Sarah helped me find my feet again after a drug relapse, she is very attentive and easy to talk to, she changed my outlook on therapy and provided a compassionate listening ear through a difficult time."
“When I’ve felt like I have no one to talk to and no one to listen to me, Sarah has been a real constant in my life and I’m so grateful for that.”
"Sarah has a warmth and calmness about her that instantly made me feel at ease. She is able to pick up on feelings that are just on the periphery of my awareness and helps me to explore these. I feel heard and safe to explore really difficult thoughts and emotions. She gives me space to sit with these without judgement but also helps me to challenge negative thoughts, gently challenging me and encouraging me to look at things differently. I always look forward to our sessions each week. I would highly recommend Sarah to anyone seeking help."
"Sarah is kind, compassionate and open to discuss any and all topics you feel you’re ready to. She’s LGBTQ+ friendly and extremely non judgemental. For me personally she’s been a breath of fresh air in the counselling sphere and I’d recommend her in the highest esteem to anyone considering counselling, both for the first time or someone with previous counselling experience."
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